Queenswood Primary School

Meet The Governors

Our Governors are representatives of the local community, parents, school staff and the Local Authority. They bring a range of interests, knowledge and skills to the school and they all work in a voluntary capacity.

OfSTED said:

Governors "... work closely with leaders at all levels. They regularly check the effectiveness of school leaders and seek the views of staff, pupils, parents and carers. They report their findings to the full governing body so that they can make informed decisions about the school’s work and how to make the best use of the school’s finances, including the pupil premium, in pupils’ best interests. Governors know the school’s strengths and areas for development well, including how well pupils perform compared to others in similar schools nationally. They work in partnership with the headteacher and other leaders to ensure that teaching and pupils’ achievement continues to improve." (November 2012)

You can contact our Governors through the school office. For the latest copy of the Governor's

Declaration on Business Interests click here.

For details of the governors and to view attendance at governors meetings, please click here.

To view the agreed governors code of conduct, please click here.

To view the Annual Governance Statement produced by the chair of governors, please click here.

Adam Ames

Adam Ames

Associate Head

Chris Ballinger

Chris Ballinger

Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray

Co-Opted Governor

Marie Stephens

Marie Stephens

Staff Governor

Sally Phillips

Sally Phillips

Co-Opted Governor

Haley Loveitt

Vice Chair of Governors and Parent Governor

Linda Pugh

Linda Pugh

Parent Governor

Nicola Weston

Nicola Weston

Head of School