Queenswood Primary School





You are expected to read at home every night. 

This reading should be recorded in your reading record.

If you have forgotten to take home your reading book, don't worry, you can still read! Read anything you have: a magazine, a comic book, a newspaper, or even the instructions for your favourite game.

An adult should sign your book to say you have read. If you are in Key Stage 2, you can complete your reading record yourself, as long an adults signs at least twice a week.



Your maths homework is to learn your times tables.

You will have a times table test each in week in class, and your teacher will make sure you know which times table you are working on.

When you achieve learning each times table, you will be awarded the matching times table badge in Celebration Assembly.

Challenge: can you learn all of your tables upto 12 x 12 by the end of year 4?


Spelling (Year 2 - 6)

In your spelling log, you will have recorded any words you have found tricky this week.  You will be tested on these and other spellings you have been learning each Monday in 'Speed Spell' in Read, Write inc.  You will also be tested on your spellings of the tricky words on a Friday in 'Jumping Orange/Red words', so make sure you practice these too.

How you practice your spellings is up to you, but here are a few simple ideas:

  • Read, Say, Cover, Write, Check
  • Have a family member test you
  • Write words you are struggling with on sticky notes and pin them up around the house
  • Make posters of the words, colouring the tricky part in a different colour
  • Make up rhymes to help you remember particular spellings